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From Ilyushin cockpit

Hydraulically operated 6 DoF - Motion System

Motion System is the most problematic Imitator, as should have specific characteristics, namely, for a given weight of the cockpit to provide:

  • Travel speed up to 1.2 m/s;

  • High smoothness of movement;

  • The possibility of creating of congestion in the frequency band from 0.05 Hz  to ….15 Hz;

  • delay no more than 0.15 s in imitation in the beginning of movement


This overloads imitation must be carried out within a very limited linear excursion (± 1,2 m) and angle (± 30º).


Therefore, preference is given to hydraulically operated 6 DoF - Motion Systems, on which Cockpits can be mounted, practically without of weight and mass moments of inertia limitation.


Structure of 6-DoF hydraulically operated Motion System

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